What does the future for American Manufacturing look like?

Manufacturing is the backbone of everything we do. From energy to infrastructure, transportation to technology, we need to recognize and celebrate those professionals in every industrial sector. It’s even more important today as manufacturers seek to fill 4.6 million high-skill, high-tech, and high-paying jobs over the next decade. That’s why we’re supporting and celebrating Manufacturing Day all month long with the intention of educating and increasing the positive perception of working in […]
CareerMaze – The key to finding a successful career path that aligns with your strengths

From the time children are old enough to speak in sentences, adults start asking what they want to be when they grow up. That pressure builds fast! Typically, the answers begin with princess, firefighter, dinosaur expert, dancer, and evolve to nurse, doctor, lawyer. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a child say they want to […]
Lessons Learned, Resolutions Made

As I was riding through a neighborhood park recently, I fell off my bike. You know, to properly end 2020. To avoid a mom pushing a stroller, I swerved onto the grass. As I was stand-pedaling (this is probably not an official cycling term) to get through it and around her, feeling good about my […]
Top 5 Blogs of 2020

We couldn’t help it; we had to have ONE listicle to end the year. What better week than between Christmas and New Year’s? I’m sure many of us are wrapping up projects, finalizing details, and checking our to-do lists so frequently even Santa would be impressed. If you are lucky, you may be in that […]
2020: A Year for the History Books

Each year, as we look forward to new beginnings, it’s essential to make room to reflect. While it’s tempting to run full force into the next big project or next resolution that will make us – to borrow from Daft Punk – harder, better, faster, stronger, we owe it to ourselves and our teams to […]