Your New Employee Lied on His Resume: Now What?

There’s no way to hire right without putting in the time, effort, and money. The task often requires coordination (anyone who’s ever arranged a panel interview knows this only too well!), organization, and perseverance. Although many job seekers secure positions through the hidden job market, highly qualified candidates don’t just fall out of the sky. […]
How Employment Assessments Fit Into the Hiring Process

As a hiring manager, you’ve probably seen it all… the no-shows, the ones who walk in late as if they are on time (no explanation, no apology), the ones who can’t answer a single question thoroughly, to the ones who spend a very, very long time answering your first question. I once started an interview […]
Conducting Pre-Employment Phone Screens that Pay Off

You have a list of candidates that made it past your resume screening process. Eager to make that next great hire, you’re excited about the possibilities in front of you. Now what? Do you immediately schedule them for an in-person interview? Or do you conduct a phone interview first? If phone screens are not in […]
How Employee Cognitive Assessments Boost Hiring Success

What would happen if you introduced an employee cognitive assessment to your workforce? It might raise a few eyebrows. However, if you do it correctly, your workers might embrace it for pre-employment testing. What an Employee Cognitive Assessment Measures The candidates look great on paper. You’re trying to test their soft skills by hosting an […]
How Behavioral Assessments Reduce Employee Turnover

[lmt-post-modified-info] Bye-Bye, Turnover! How Behavioral Assessments Can Slash Employee Turnover Employee turnover can be an insidious plague that siphons away resources and disrupts the very core of a business’s foundation. Too dramatic? Maybe, but employee turnover is certainly a problem for many businesses, and retaining top talent can be a daunting challenge. There are many […]
There, Their, They’re: Now Omnia Can Help Soothe Your Grammar Woes

Remember the old days when people could only interact with businesses over the phone or in-person, and most mailings were stuffy form letters? After booting up Word Perfect for DOS, you would painstakingly type your message and then drive the floppy disk over to your neighborhood print shop. That was a lot of work! Thank […]