What Leaders Have Learned During the COVID-19 Crisis
People likely feared it after watching movies about it – but deep down, never imagined it would truly happen. Even when it started to happen, a lot of people were saying “not us” or “not here.” Boy, were we wrong! COVID-19 was declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020, and the world, as we knew […]
Why courage may be the most critical sales quality we need today
Certain traits elevate a salesperson’s success. Through years of conducting personality assessments, The Omnia Group’s data points to 17 distinct types of salespeople made up of various personality traits. Given today’s environment, though, one characteristic stands out above all others, and that’s courage. Sales has never been an easy job, and I think it is […]
Coaching Sales Professionals to be Extraordinary
Fifty-five percent of the people making their living in sales do not have the right skills to be successful. Let that number sink in … over half need more coaching. How many are on your sales team? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 14.3 million people are working in sales and related […]
The 4th Quarter Push – Why Personality Traits Matter More Than Ever
Fourth-quarter has always been a huge push for sales teams to finish strong while helping clients spend the year-end budget. This 4th quarter is more critical to the success of so many businesses than we’ve ever seen. It could make or break them. Focusing your team on doing what they do best will make a […]
How to Foster a Winning Dynamic Between Sales and Service
In organizations, we celebrate the sales team for bringing new business to the firm. After all, a company can’t survive for long without revenue. But, on the other side of many org charts sits the isolated, often forgotten, customer service team. This department is usually regarded as a cost center, rather than a company asset. […]
Ten Ways to Manage a Team of Introverts
I stole the following from a meme or maybe a T-shirt: Introverts. We’re here, we’re uncomfortable, and we want to go home. That about sums it up. I’m often uncomfortable around people, and even when I’m enjoying myself, I’m looking forward to being home. I like socializing, but it’s also exhausting. That’s really the crux […]
Leading During Uncertainty
So – it’s August. And usually, in August, about 56 million kids in the US go to elementary, middle, or high school, and the majority of them leave home to do so. But these are not usual times. Instead of the typical hustle and bustle and excitement of the back-to-school season, parents everywhere face difficult […]
Employee Reboarding: 7 Tips for Success
I went back to the office for about a week in June; I needed to get out of the house, and I had a temporary childcare solution. Needless to say, I ran with that opportunity. Currently, we have one employee going into the office daily. Really, he never left (thanks, Steve). And from time to […]
How to Coach Your Team to Cohesion
This week we’re here to help you coach your team through conflict with a focus on cohesion. It’s natural for humans to form teams, and it’s normal for those teams to develop specific dynamics. As a coach, a leader, it’s important to influence those dynamics by setting clear goals, encouraging communication, and emphasizing ways to […]
Pump Up Your Coaching Program with Employee Assessments
As a leader, you’re invested in the growth and development of your team. You know that properly coached employees can achieve your company’s lofty goals and be more engaged while doing so. But — did you know that your coaching efforts could fall flat if you don’t have the right insight about your team members? […]