Employee Development: The Key to Successful Succession Planning

Your company’s biggest asset is your people. They bring your products and services to life every day for your clients. The best performers move on quickly if they don’t see opportunities to grow and advance. Unfortunately, when they transition to a new position or, even worse, leave your company altogether, they leave a hole that’s […]
Diversity in Teams: Activating the Power of Personality

The idea of diversity in teams may conjure images of varied ethnicities, genders, and cultures. While these dimensions are crucial, diversity also encompasses an array of personalities and behavioral tendencies. In an effective team, each member brings a unique blend of traits shaped by upbringing, experiences, and inherent disposition. This holistic view of diversity forms […]
Personalized Wellness: Tailoring Healthy Habits to Your Unique Traits

Healthy habits are the cornerstone of a thriving life, influencing everything from our physical strength to mental resilience. We all know how important it is to develop and commit to a healthy lifestyle. And yet despite our best intentions, many of us struggle to maintain healthy habits over the long term. We might start strong […]
Supporting Mental Wellness on the Job: Working Together as a Team to Prevent and Recover from Burnout

May is Mental Health Awareness month, which makes it a good time to discuss an issue that can arise in any job or industry: Burnout. The modern professional landscape is a demanding one. We juggle constant connectivity, ever-increasing workloads, and the pressure to excel in a competitive environment. It’s no surprise, then, that professional burnout […]
Earth Day 2024: Planting the Seed for an Eco-Conscious Work Team

Monday April 22nd is Earth Day. Created in 1970, the first Earth Day “…mobilized millions of Americans from all walks of life to birth the modern environmental movement.” The day has moved beyond the U.S. and now serves as a global opportunity for people throughout the world to work toward a brighter future. It’s a […]
Celebrating Support Staff Everywhere: 5 Strategies for Virtual and In-Office Teams

Let’s discuss the team members who are responsible for managing schedules, coordinating logistics, and delivering the essential services that are fundamental to your company’s success. While their roles are not always directly associated with generating profits or interacting with clients face-to-face, their contributions are irreplaceable. Without them, the company would grind to a halt in […]
Tech and Temperament: Exploring Personality Dynamics and Their Role in Workplace Innovation

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, technology plays a critical role in driving innovation and shaping the future of work. Amidst the rush to adopt the latest tools and platforms, one crucial factor often overlooked is the influence of personality dynamics on how individuals embrace and engage with new technologies. Understanding these dynamics is essential for […]
How to Unleash Your Employees’ Passion While Strengthening Your Organization

You hire each employee to fulfill a specific role within your organization. And, with rare exceptions, most of your team members want to meet or exceed your expectations. But they also want more. Your employees yearn to feel a deep passion for their work and to be inspired by your company’s mission. They long to […]
A Commitment to Community – Reflecting on a Year of Giving Back and Gaining in Return

In early 2023, our team at Omnia revisited and refreshed our company values. I remember well the conversations we had about specific word choices, and the one that stands out to me most was our conversation around our value of Commitment and Unequivocal Excellence. It was in this value that we intentionally stated that We […]
Leading with CARE: Elevating Employee Engagement in Your Credit Union

This article was written for readers of our partner publication CUInsight. It received such a positive reaction, we decided to share it with our weekly blog audience. We hope you find it helpful as well. Have you heard about mouse jigglers? I discovered them during a recent lunch with a colleague dedicated to enhancing employee […]