The Leader’s Role in Conflict Resolution
People are complicated, and no two of your employees are exactly alike. When you have that many different perspectives in your workplace, conflict is bound to happen. While conflict can sometimes lead to healthy competition and innovation, left unchecked or undirected, it can have damaging effects on the organization. As a leader, the responsibility to […]
Management and Leadership – Why we need both.
Management. Leadership. Though these two terms are used interchangeably, they are not the same at all. Equating management with leadership – so what? Knowing the differences could set your course toward growth and success, whether personal, professional, or organizational. A disclaimer: Below are a few observations and suggestions. The further from the problem, the easier […]
Revolutionize Leadership by Understanding Your Personal Style
Every July, my family heads to the shore. We spend hours at the beach sunning, swimming, cooking out and just generally enjoying each other and a much-needed week or so off from work. It’s all topped off by a big Independence Day bash complete with cornhole competitions and a fishing contest. Whoever catches the biggest […]
Personality Spotlight: The Analytic
The Omnia Assessment measures our most comfortable behaviors in 4 areas: Assertiveness, Sociability, Pace and Need for Structure. When I say most comfortable, I mean those behaviors that require the least amount of stretch, the least amount of, well, discomfort. We all like to move smoothly on our rails so to speak. That certainly doesn’t […]
Personality Spotlight: The Visionary
The ultimate success of your organization depends on the value and service you bring to the market every day. Most of that value is distinguished by the strength of your product and services – and to deliver on that consistently, you need all your people firing on all cylinders. As leaders and business owners, we […]
Bloom Where You’re Planted? Strive for advancement? Tips for successfully advancing throughout your career.
For my career and my life, I would have to say that both approaches have served me well. As a brand-new salesperson, I had the gall to tell my first sales manager that I expected to spend 5 years being the most successful salesperson I could be and then I would move up to management. […]
6 Ways to Help a Non-leader Lead
Let’s face it; sometimes people end up in a management position who might not belong in one. It happens for a variety of reasons. Fortunately, not all is lost. There are some things you can do to help a non-leader lead! In fact, it happens all the time: You thought you had the perfect person […]
You Must Know Your Team to Lead Your Team
As a leader, you’re expected to achieve company goals by effectively utilizing your most valuable resource – your team. So, how do you unlock their potential and guide them towards success? Honestly, you need to know your team to lead your team. Getting to know your team on a deep level can take years of […]