Flipping the Script: Thriving in Sales with Unconventional Traits

Through nearly four decades and thousands of assessments, Omnia has researched and validated the characteristics that define the quintessential sales personality. Personally, I have a passion for helping professionals who don’t have these traditional traits consider which sales roles would fit them best. I also agree with Daniel Pink when he says we are all […]
Sales Hiring Horror Stories – How to Avoid the Starring Role in a Sales Hiring Horror Flick

Speaking to a group of sales executives a few months ago, I posed this question to the room –“how many of you have made a bad hiring decision?” Every single person in the room raised their hand. If you’ve hired people for any length of time, you are bound to have made at least one […]
There’s No Crying in Sales

Even if you’ve never seen the movie A League of Their Own, it’s likely you’re familiar with the scene where Tom Hanks loses his temper and famously rants, “There’s no crying in baseball!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M8szlSa-8o. As a sales leader, I’m sure you’ve had a similar feeling and fought back that same sort of emotional reaction when one […]
Steps to a Successful Sales Hire

Hiring the right person the first time is the hardest part of recruitment. These days, people have plenty of choices when it comes to their next opportunity. The average cost of a bad hire is up to 30% of the employee’s first-year earnings according to the U.S. Department of Labor. However, one report from the […]
A Two-Million-Year-Old Problem: Coaching Your Service Team to Sell

Since the very first business of starting cave fires in exchange for furs and hides, the transition from sales to service has plagued organizations. The early people had it right. Grog, the fire starter, sold the sticks and built the fire. His invoice was a grunt and a snort, and Accounts Receivable was immediately funded […]
Hunter or Farmer? How to Build a Strong Sales Team with Both

Approach any group of sales leaders and this debate is likely to come up in their sales strategy conversation: Which is the better sales-type — Hunter or Farmer? And can a person be both? Most often, there are true distinctions and objectives for each role. And there are nuances in terms of the personality traits […]
The Perfect Recipe for Sales Success

Which is better, chocolate or vanilla? It’s a question that sparks hearty debate. Just like, which is more important, sales or service? In truth, every department is vital to the running of an organization, but sales feed the organization (and everyone in it)! That’s why finding great salespeople is so important. But not everyone is […]
Why courage may be the most critical sales quality we need today

Certain traits elevate a salesperson’s success. Through years of conducting personality assessments, The Omnia Group’s data points to 17 distinct types of salespeople made up of various personality traits. Given today’s environment, though, one characteristic stands out above all others, and that’s courage. Sales has never been an easy job, and I think it is […]
Coaching Sales Professionals to be Extraordinary

Fifty-five percent of the people making their living in sales do not have the right skills to be successful. Let that number sink in … over half need more coaching. How many are on your sales team? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 14.3 million people are working in sales and related […]
Five Steps to Building a Sales Talent Pipeline

Not everyone loves hiring. Does anyone love hiring? Does anyone like hiring? Some parts of it can be fun: the excitement of bringing in new people and new ideas, imagining the possibilities, the hilarious typos on the resumes. But it can be a slog. Especially right now, many job postings will lead to a flood […]