The 4th Quarter Push – Why Personality Traits Matter More Than Ever

Fourth-quarter has always been a huge push for sales teams to finish strong while helping clients spend the year-end budget. This 4th quarter is more critical to the success of so many businesses than we’ve ever seen. It could make or break them. Focusing your team on doing what they do best will make a […]
How to Foster a Winning Dynamic Between Sales and Service

In organizations, we celebrate the sales team for bringing new business to the firm. After all, a company can’t survive for long without revenue. But, on the other side of many org charts sits the isolated, often forgotten, customer service team. This department is usually regarded as a cost center, rather than a company asset. […]
Tips to Help Your Customer Service Team Make Sales

What? Me? Sell?!! What to do when you want your customer service team to make sales? There is a push to get service people to sell. It makes sense: They have a captive audience and constant contact with potential buyers. Since sales generally come with financial incentives, why don’t more service people naturally take advantage […]