Six Steps for Shaping a Positive Corporate Culture
Whether it has been consciously identified or not, every company has a corporate culture. Maybe it’s characterized by change and is therefore dynamic. Maybe your corporate culture is aggressive and focused on growth. Possibly, it is focused on being cutting edge or branded by providing the best customer service. Or less positively, your corporate culture could […]
Why Am I Like This? The Benefits of Self-Reflection, and 5 Tips for Cultivating It
In the middle of June, I suddenly came to feel like my to-do list was my entire personality. I’d find myself mumbling, “ok, what’s next?” all the time! Even when I was doing something I liked, I considered it something to “get through,” rather than something to experience and enjoy. Family gatherings, vacations, even my […]
When Teamwork is Just Not Working: 5 Ways Behavioral Insight Can Improve Team Effectiveness
What do you do when a team is just not working? We see it happen all the time: people are thrown together because their expertise is needed on a project, and even though everyone knows what to do, they just can’t seem to get it done together. Meetings go nowhere, and everyone leaves frustrated. Or […]
Upskilling, Reskilling, Side Entrances and More! 5 Tips for Making a Successful Career Change
When I took my first full time job out of college, I had one mission: to help people. I’d just finished my degree in psychology, and I intended to continue my education to become a counselor. People had always told me what a good listener I was and how easy it was to talk to […]
Celebrating National Pet Month: The 8 Omnia Columns, As Illustrated by My Pets
Did you know May is National Pet Month? I didn’t, but I should have. You’d think one of my pets would have mentioned it! Of course, my cats think every day is national cat month (although they don’t have too much interest in other pets), and my puppy is just happy to be involved in […]
4 Components of a Dynamic, Welcoming Work Culture: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
There is a growing demand among employees, job seekers, and consumers to work for and with companies that show a commitment to cultivating a diverse culture. Organizations who put in the effort to build this inclusive workforce experience measurable benefits in increased talent pools, greater productivity, and higher profitability. More and more, employees are looking […]
New Year, New Solutions to Hiring and Onboarding: 5 Trends to Watch in 2023
It’s a new year, but many companies are facing familiar challenges when it comes to finding top talent. Some organizations are meeting these challenges head on with innovative hiring and onboarding practices. Not surprisingly, the ball dropping on 2023 has not magically made all the “Help Wanted” signs disappear. Customers continue to experience long wait […]
Ready to Wrap Up Your 2022 Goals? Don’t Forget to Celebrate Your Successes
If you’re anything like me, the goals you set at the beginning of 2022 are the furthest thing from your mind at this point. For me, a new puppy, last-minute shopping, and the prospect of sixteen house guests has pushed any thoughts of my resolutions and goals way into the back of my consciousness. But […]
Thanksgiving – 5 Ways to Show Gratitude to Your Employees
Due to some miraculous time warp, the holidays are suddenly here. Wasn’t it just Labor Day? This week, the US will be celebrating Thanksgiving, and (when we’re not rushing around shopping and cooking or looking for a place to lie down after the meal) many of us will be reflecting on what we’re most thankful […]
Managing During a Labor Shortage
With the high cost of employee turnover, there is never a good time to lose someone on your team. But with the Great Resignation or Great Reshuffle (depending on who you ask), it feels more critical than ever to hold onto your employees. This is especially true if you have directly felt the effects of […]