Addressing Conflict to Build Team Unity
One doesn’t often think of conflict and unity in the same breath. Workplace conflict is something most of us dread, especially when our days are stressful enough. But conflict, workplace and otherwise, is inevitable when interacting with other human beings. The good news is that conflict doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. In […]
Is There Trouble in the Air? 8 Things to do When Employee Engagement Declines
You know how it is. Things are good with your team; everything’s clicking, spirits are high, and productivity is higher… until suddenly it isn’t. Suddenly, things feel off. You’re not sure what’s wrong; you just know something is. Employee engagement is a measure of how committed and invested an employee is in their job and […]
Quiet Quitting — A Viral Reaction to an Age-Old Problem or the Real Deal?
Even if you’re not an active TikTok user, it’s likely you’ve heard the term Quiet Quitting. The phenomenon has been the subject of news segments, articles, and a popular speaking topic on the conference circuit. You can even find enough t-shirt options on Etsy to build an entire wardrobe out of quiet quitting wear while […]
3 Tips for Planting the Seeds of Empathy in your Organization
Empathy is an important element in growing and nurturing strong connections, in both our personal and professional lives. When someone takes the time to understand another person’s perspectives or emotions, it can cause a deeper relationship to bloom between the two. In a job setting, empathy can foster productive conversations and help resolve conflicts. A […]
Struggling to Get Along? 5 Strategies to Improve Work Relationships
It’s impossible not to think of great romances in February, the month dedicated to celebrating relationships. Jack and Rose…he made the ultimate sacrifice for true love (even though there was enough room on that enormous door); or Danny and Sandy…hopelessly devoted to one another before, quite literally, flying off in a 1948 Ford Deluxe convertible, […]
The 3 Barriers to Listening and 5 Tips for Becoming an Effective Listener.
I know you can hear me, but are you listening? People get my name wrong a lot. I’ve often remarked to friends that it’s like being part of a social experiment every day of my life. Admittedly, Keather is a unique name. I’ve never met another Keather, and I’ve never met anyone who has. I […]
Want to Know What’s New in Employee Engagement and Motivation? 5 Trends You Need to Pay Attention to in 2023
Workplace trends and buzzwords may have you thinking that 2023 will be all about the word quiet. I mean really – how much more can we take? Everywhere we look there are LinkedIn posts, Tik Tok videos and articles about quiet quitting, quiet firing and quiet hiring. In a world where employee engagement is at […]
Ready to Wrap Up Your 2022 Goals? Don’t Forget to Celebrate Your Successes
If you’re anything like me, the goals you set at the beginning of 2022 are the furthest thing from your mind at this point. For me, a new puppy, last-minute shopping, and the prospect of sixteen house guests has pushed any thoughts of my resolutions and goals way into the back of my consciousness. But […]
Thanksgiving – 5 Ways to Show Gratitude to Your Employees
Due to some miraculous time warp, the holidays are suddenly here. Wasn’t it just Labor Day? This week, the US will be celebrating Thanksgiving, and (when we’re not rushing around shopping and cooking or looking for a place to lie down after the meal) many of us will be reflecting on what we’re most thankful […]
Your Employees Don’t Want Another Paperweight: 8 Modern Ways to Recognize Your Employees
Business is constantly evolving. Sometimes that evolution is gradual and at other times it is faster than we can wrap our heads around. The pandemic catapulted many businesses into a new era; it created new challenges and new opportunities. Some companies took the opportunity to reduce rent overhead and embrace a new hybrid or even […]