Top 13 Actions of Successful Leaders
Whether you’re a front-line manager or a top executive, you have a profound responsibility to your people, your organization, and yourself. Your words and actions can make or break the success of your team, company, and career. Fortunately, you can benefit from the wisdom of the many influential leaders who have come before you. So […]
Holiday Gift Exchange: Sharing Knowledge Tops Our Wish List
The holidays are here… already. Is it just me or do they seem to come around faster and faster every year? While some people are asking for the latest Bluetooth gadgets, meal prep subscriptions, and trendy socks, knowledge sharing tops our wish list this holiday season. As 2021 ends and we look back on the […]
Seasoned Leader, New Team: 6 Surefire Strategies for Success
The turkey is carved, and you’re about to take your first decadent bite of apple sausage stuffing when your uncle asks, “So, how’s the job going?” All of a sudden, fork in midair, you feel a pit in your stomach and forget about the 4 glorious days off ahead of you. You inform Uncle Dale […]
Top 10 Skills and Traits of a Successful Change Leader
The business world is forever in a state of flux, constantly adjusting to societal, economic, environmental, and industry trends. If your company can stay on pace or get ahead, it will remain relevant and competitive. But, if it cannot, it will fade into the background, ultimately becoming obsolete. That means your firm must nimbly, strategically, […]
Exit Strategies When Coaching is Unsuccessful
The term “exit strategy” sounds so polite when we are talking about a failure to bring someone up from the depths of a performance problem, or problems (plural). Is it time to terminate the employer/employee relationship? Well, maybe, but maybe not. There are some questions to ask yourself before you do. First, is this a […]
What Employers can do to optimize each phase of The Employee Lifecycle
This article is the last in a series of blogs our Omnia Team has written about The Employee Lifecycle. I’m honored to wrap up the series with this focus on what employers can do. I often say the employee lifecycle is an equal opportunity and dual ownership experience. The employee owns their part in what […]
Employee Lifecycle versus Employee Experience
This month, we’re focusing on the employee lifecycle. Many articles have been written about it: what are the stages, why is it important, who’s responsible for it? Less emphasis is spent understanding the stages and importance from the employee’s perspective. So today, I have the pleasure of using some great research (Gallup, SHRM (Society for […]
How to Optimize the Employee Lifecycle from Hiring Through Retirement
Your employees are the lifeblood of your business, and your operation would grind to a financially devastating halt without them. To keep your firm stocked with top talent, treat your workforce as your most important asset – because it is. But the royal treatment needs to happen more than once; it’s ongoing throughout the entire […]
Getting Work Done Through Others: The Power of Delegating
As a leader, you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. And the truth is, you can’t do it all, even if you want to. That’s why you have a team. To be a successful leader who constantly looks for ways to innovate and grow your business, you have to increase capacity. Yours and […]
The Leader’s Role in Conflict Resolution
People are complicated, and no two of your employees are exactly alike. When you have that many different perspectives in your workplace, conflict is bound to happen. While conflict can sometimes lead to healthy competition and innovation, left unchecked or undirected, it can have damaging effects on the organization. As a leader, the responsibility to […]