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Leadership in Action: Real-World Advice for Emerging Leaders

July 15, 2024

By: Tonya DeVane

Leadership is not merely a set of skills to be honed but a necessity for business success. It is the foundation upon which innovation thrives, teamwork flourishes, and sustainable growth is achieved. This article explores the multifaceted approach to leadership development.

At the core of your leadership is the transformation from individual pursuits to collective achievements. This metamorphosis necessitates a shift in your perspective, from personal goals to the broader aspirations of your team and your company. It's about recognizing that the triumph of the group surpasses that of the individual.

Leadership Style

The way you lead is deeply influenced by your behavioral tendencies, including assertiveness, sociability, pace, and structure. These traits shape your leadership style, impacting how you communicate, make decisions, and manage your team. Whether you're proactive or reactive, relational or consultative, quick-paced or methodical, understanding these aspects of your behavior can enhance your leadership effectiveness.

For an emerging leader, this self-awareness is invaluable. It allows you to lean into your strengths and mitigate your challenges. By knowing your style, it can help you approach situations and team members differently. Embracing your tendencies and learning to lead with self-awareness and adaptability, you can inspire your team and drive success.


Assuming a leadership role comes with a set of responsibilities that often require a shift in mindset and behavior. Vision and strategy are the beacons that guide the team, providing a clear direction and purpose. For an emerging leader, this means being able to articulate a compelling vision and develop a strategic plan that outlines how to achieve it.

As an emerging leader, nurturing the talents and skills within your team is crucial. Embrace this responsibility, as it is a key aspect of effective leadership. It's about identifying the potential in each team member and providing them with the opportunities and resources to grow. Decision-making is another critical responsibility, requiring confidence and the ability to weigh options and make informed choices.


As an emerging leader, mastering the art of entrusting tasks to your team is crucial. It maximizes their strengths and efficiency, empowering them to contribute effectively. Delegation allows you to focus on strategic priorities and develop a culture of accountability within your team. As you navigate this aspect of leadership, learning to delegate effectively involves understanding each team member's capabilities and providing them with the necessary support and resources to succeed.

Moreover, delegation is not just about assigning tasks; it's about fostering growth and cultivating leadership potential within your team. By delegating responsibilities thoughtfully, you create opportunities for team members to learn and expand their skills, preparing them for future challenges and potential leadership roles. Embracing delegation as a core leadership practice enables you to build a resilient team that thrives on collaboration and achieves collective goals effectively.


Communication is not just about the words that are said but the manner in which they are conveyed. Effective communication involves active listening, empathy, clarity, and the mastery of nonverbal cues. Active listening requires giving your full attention, asking insightful questions, and showing sincere interest in what others have to say. Empathy is about understanding and acknowledging others' emotions without judgment, reflecting their feelings, and following up. Being clear and concise ensures your message is understood, while nonverbal cues like eye contact and body language play a significant role in how your message is received.

Leaders should adjust their communication style to the individual because not everyone wants a ticker-tape parade on Main Street because they did something great. However, everyone wants to know they are doing a great job, so understanding who wants what is key.


Emerging leaders often find themselves navigating a labyrinth of problems that require not just solutions, but swift and efficient ones. This journey begins with the fundamental step of defining the problem. It's about being proactive and flexible, understanding that the labyrinth of problems is ever-changing and requires constant vigilance.

Steps for problem-solving:

  • Define the Problem:
    • Understand beyond surface issues to uncover root causes.
    • Dive deep to reveal underlying complexities.
  • Prioritize Solutions:
    • Apply critical thinking and foresight.
    • Evaluate solutions based on feasibility, impact, and alignment with goals.
  • Craft an Action Plan:
    • Develop a comprehensive blueprint for execution.
    • Provide a clear roadmap for the team to follow.
  • Monitor Progress:
    • Set metrics for success and benchmarks.
    • Regularly review progress against goals and adjust when necessary.


Celebrating successes as a cohesive unit is pivotal for emerging leaders, as it fortifies the team's collective sense of achievement and solidarity. Acknowledging the diligence and dedication of each team member in an authentic manner is instrumental in cultivating a nurturing environment where individuals feel genuinely appreciated and inspired to strive for excellence. When recognition is heartfelt and specific, it not only elevates team spirit but also instills a collective pride in the team's accomplishments, solidifying their dedication to common objectives.

Integrating several key practices when giving kudos can ensure your praise comes across as genuine. Firstly, take the time to understand each employee’s strengths, challenges, and preferences, enabling you to tailor recognition to each person. Being observant of their contributions allows you to notice and appreciate both the big and small achievements. Additionally, delivering recognition promptly after an achievement is important. By adopting these practices, emerging leaders can create a positive and productive work environment where every team member feels valued and motivated.


In conclusion, leadership is a journey of continuous growth and adaptation. It's about balancing managerial and leadership skills, proactive problem-solving, tailored solutions, and understanding individual behaviors. Remember, leadership is not just about managing people; it's about guiding them towards a shared vision of success.

For those seeking to explore these topics further, register for our webinar on this topic by clicking here.  To connect with us and learn more about Omnia Leadership Development reports, call 800.525.7117.

Leadership is a profound responsibility, but with the right tools and insights, it can be a fulfilling journey that benefits not only the leader but also the entire team and organization.

Tonya DeVane

Tonya DeVane is the Vice President of Customer Success & Product Optimization, driving transformative strategies that elevate customer satisfaction and optimize Omnia utilization. For more information, email or call 800.525.7117.

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