Engagement Increases Retention

One of my favorite work experiences took place during the 2012 Summer Olympics. The company I was working for went all in on the Olympic experience. We were an organization of 75,000 across 110 countries, so this was our opportunity to bring together the whole company. We made our own torches, we played silly games, […]
Reducing the Cost to Hire by Improving Retention

The hiring process is expensive. On average, it takes companies 30 days to fill a role and costs them $7,500 in lost productivity, but this expense doesn’t end once the position is filled. They now need to invest resources into training their new employees so they can be productive as soon as possible. If you’re […]
Managing During a Labor Shortage

With the high cost of employee turnover, there is never a good time to lose someone on your team. But with the Great Resignation or Great Reshuffle (depending on who you ask), it feels more critical than ever to hold onto your employees. This is especially true if you have directly felt the effects of […]
The Great Motivation: Are you doing these 6 things to engage your team in 2022?

It’s the year of the “greats” … the great resignation, the great reset, the great reshuffle, the great reprioritization, the great share, the great mental breakdown. I may have made that last one up. Change is constant, and sometimes it happens faster than we anticipate. Now more than ever, it feels hard to keep up. […]
The Great Resignation: Who is Accountable for Employee Retention?

Let me tell you a quick story about the worst boss and worst company I’ve ever worked for. I won’t give specifics to protect the guilty, but my boss was a nightmare. He was a micromanager who required three email updates per day on the progress of projects. He also spoke to people like they […]
Our Top 10 Tips for Employee Retention

Chances are, you’ve been blindsided by the resignation of an all-star employee. You probably watched productivity and morale take a nosedive — and wondered what went wrong. While some turnover on your team is ultimately inevitable, much of it can be prevented. So today, we’re gifting you our top 10 tips for employee retention. The […]
How to Earn a Merit Badge in Employee Retention

For many companies, hiring cools off as the temperature heats up. That’s because your potential new employees probably aren’t thinking about a career move. They’re too busy going on vacation, shuttling kids to camp, perfecting their landscaping, and spending time with loved ones. But, this recruiting slowdown is an ideal opportunity to focus on improving […]
Camp Omnia

Welcome to Camp Omnia. This month we’re embarking on a learning journey to help improve yourself and your team. You know, just like summer camp ought to be. While there aren’t any ropes courses, trust circles, s’mores, or singing Kumbaya, (though we fully support the team efforts), we have packed this camp with valuable information […]
Rethink Career Growth

The True Value of Individual Contributors There is a belief that climbing your way to the top and becoming a manager of other people is the definition of success. Sometimes, we inadvertently extend that thinking to suggest that ambition means the same thing: the desire to work your way to the top in order to […]
Why courage may be the most critical sales quality we need today

Certain traits elevate a salesperson’s success. Through years of conducting personality assessments, The Omnia Group’s data points to 17 distinct types of salespeople made up of various personality traits. Given today’s environment, though, one characteristic stands out above all others, and that’s courage. Sales has never been an easy job, and I think it is […]