In last week’s blog, Jennifer Lucas wrote about Omnia’s Target Profile and the wide array of benefits it provides to our clients looking to make effective hiring decisions and to keep their employees engaged and successful. This week, I get the privilege of telling you about our signature product that has helped Omnia become a trusted partner for our clients over the last 40 years — the Omnia Custom Profile.
The Custom Profile has a very special place in my heart – and in the hearts of all Omnia analysts, both past and present – because it’s what we all cut our teeth on when first starting at Omnia. While everyone who works here goes through an in-depth training period to learn the ins and outs of the Omnia Assessment, the analysts take that training one step further by learning the intricacies of writing Custom Profiles, ensuring we can articulate assessment results into helpful, actionable insights for our clients.
And that’s what makes the Custom Profile so special! All Custom Profiles are individually interpreted and written by analysts who are subject matter experts in Omnia’s four core personality aspects — level of assertiveness, communication style, pace, and desire for structure — allowing us to tailor the writeups based on your unique specifications and needs.
Similar to the Target Profile, the Custom Profile takes the data derived from a candidate’s or employee’s Omnia Assessment and offers an in-depth discussion of the person’s natural, job-based behavioral traits. But because each Custom Profile is individually evaluated and written by an analyst, we dive deeper into the details you want to know about your candidates and employees. We discuss the participant’s traits with specificity, explaining how the various characteristics interact with each other and how they translate into the person’s motivators, strengths, and challenge areas. We also discuss precisely how any noted stress can affect the participant and how that might impact your environment. Plus, these custom insights can be given for both job candidates and current employees.
The Omnia Selection Profile
In the Omnia Selection Profile, the analyst compares a job candidate’s traits against the characteristics the client has deemed necessary for success in the position. Using the client’s job benchmark, we focus the selection profile’s analysis on how the candidate is both similar to and different from the ideal job target. Additionally, we offer tailored advice on how to help leverage the candidate’s strengths in the job as well as how to improve any challenge areas to help them be as successful as possible in the role. The selection profile can also be used to evaluate a current employee for a potential promotion or transfer to another position.
The Omnia Retention Profile
The Omnia Retention Profile provides all the same valuable information as the selection profile, but for existing employees. An Omnia analyst is able to compare the employee to the position they are currently in to help leadership understand how to help the individual improve within the role or take them to the next level. Or, if preferred, the analyst can give a general analysis of the employee’s intrinsic characteristics, strengths, challenge areas, and motivators and offer recommendations for growing and developing the employee and keeping them engaged. We can also provide performance advice and suggestions for career path development or succession planning.
Direct Comparisons to Supervisors and Peers
In the selection profile, the analyst can compare the job candidate to the supervisor they would be reporting to and any peers they would be working with or individuals who have been successful in the role in the past. We are able to pinpoint where a supervisor’s natural leadership style may align with, or be different than, the candidate’s preferred way to be managed and make recommendations on how to overcome potential obstacles the pair could encounter. Also, if requested, we discuss the similarities and differences between the candidate and their potential peers as well as offer suggestions for improving possible communication issues and fostering increased team synergy.
Similarly in the retention profile, the analyst can examine the employee’s traits against the characteristics of their supervisor and/or peers to shed light on commonalities and differences within the group. We can also offer insights to cultivate effective teambuilding.
Even more Customization
The selection and retention profiles can be further personalized based on any special instructions, questions, or concerns the client may submit. Some real-life examples include:
- This role involves being on the phone for 6 hours a day. Will the candidate stay focused on making calls for that length of time every day?
- The last person who was in this position was really intimidated by the manager. How will the candidate deal with the manager’s bold personality?
- This is a new position, and the processes are still being developed. Can the candidate handle the current ambiguity of this job and figure out how to get results on their own?
Additionally, each selection profile comes with behavioral interview questions that are based directly on the candidate’s traits and the specific job, while each retention profile provides suggestions for development specific to the employee’s results.
Every business is different, with one-of-a-kind needs and challenges when it comes to hiring the right people for the right jobs and ensuring that current employees stay motivated and productive. The Omnia Custom Profile gives you tailored insights and personalized advice to help meet your company’s unique objectives.
We would love to talk with you about your organization’s specific employee selection, retention, and development needs and how the Omnia Custom Profile — or any of our other products — can help your business flourish. Contact us today to find out how!