
Time-Management Mastery: 5 Techniques for Managing your Time

November in the U.S. marks the end of Daylight Savings Time and (for me at least) celebrating the wresting back of that hour of sleep I so unwillingly gave up in March. Since the average person doesn’t have the option of just changing the clock to manage our days, and since both the clock and the calendar have a way of getting away from us during the holiday season, now is a great time to try out some new time-management strategies.

It may be a bit ironic that I’m the one writing about time-management mastery. In the world of Omnia behavioral traits, my pace is… let’s just say, not fast. I don’t like to rush, I don’t like to multitask, and I don’t like it when plans change. I’m not the poster child for speed and adaptability! But it’s my not liking those things that makes me very careful with my time. I live in the real world and work in a busy role. Plus, I’m a mom, so I have to rush, multitask and adapt to changing plans. I have no choice. For me, preparation and having logical processes are key, as is learning from my past mishaps.

There are as many methods for time management as there are personalities. If you struggle to get things done on time and stay organized, you might need to try a few things before you figure out the right process for yourself. You may have a system that works great, only to have your responsibilities change or increase, requiring you to start from square one in your quest to manage your time.

Below are 5 methods you can try to help master (or remaster) your time.

But before diving into any specific strategies, you need to gather your tools.

Unless you are one of those lucky people who have perfect recall or you do the same thing all day, every day, you’ll need some method for keeping track of your appointments, projects, meetings and deadlines. There are tons of options, many free or very inexpensive, but like time-management methods, not every tool works for every person.

There are three general types of tools:

Paper: If you are one of those people who need to write things down or see it on paper to remember, a physical calendar, planner or fancy notebook is going to be your best friend. They come in an endless array of sizes, formats and styles. I have a friend who swears by her planner, and she writes everything in it. She never misses anything.

Computer: For me, writing anything down is like tossing it into a black hole. I might have written perfect notes, but can I find them? Probably not. Typing is the easiest way for me to commit things to memory. And while it is possible for me to lose my computer, that hasn’t happened to me yet (knock on wood). I use the calendar system integrated into my work email for work events, and my home email for home events (and both when they coincide). The other benefit to me of using my computer is that I can search for keywords to find notes I’ve written. Oh, the number of times I’ve wished I could use a search feature for the contents of my house!

Mobile: Check out the app store for your smartphone or tablet, and you’ll find thousands of calendaring and time-management apps. There are so many that you could try a new one every week, although that doesn’t seem very efficient. You may even want to try one to help you gamify your time management.

Combo: If there is one thing we’ve learned at Omnia in our more-than three decades of behavioral assessments, it’s that people are complex! You may need to use a combination of tools for the different areas of your life or various types of projects. Maybe you need to write everything down first to commit it to memory, then transfer it to your phone or laptop. Or you need a planner for your kids’ events and appointments and a calendar app for your work stuff.


Got your tools? Alright, onto the 5 time-management methods and techniques you can try to help you make the most of your minutes, seconds, and hours:

1. Pomodoro Technique

Developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s, this method is named after the Italian word for “tomato” because Cirillo initially used a tomato-shaped kitchen timer to track his work intervals.

The technique is designed to improve focus, productivity, and time management by breaking work into intervals and incorporating regular breaks. The intervals are traditionally 25 minutes in length but can be adjusted to any interval that works for you. After completing four Pomodoros, you take a longer break. This method helps maintain focus and prevent burnout.

2. Eisenhower Matrix

Also known as the Urgent-Important Matrix, this time-management and prioritization tool is named after Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was known to be excellent at prioritizing. This method helps individuals make decisions about tasks and activities based on their urgency and importance. It categorizes tasks into four quadrants:

Urgent and Important: Do these tasks immediately.

Important but Not Urgent: Schedule these for later.

Urgent but Not Important: Delegate these if possible.

Neither Urgent nor Important: Consider eliminating these.

3. Time Blocking

Time blocking involves setting aside specific blocks of time for different types of activities. For example, you might block off 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM for focused work on a major project, followed by a 15-minute break. Then, you could allocate 11:15 AM to 12:00 PM for checking and responding to emails, and so on. Ensure you allow for breaks to recharge and switch between tasks.

By creating a structured schedule, you can ensure that you allocate dedicated time for essential work, meetings, and personal activities. It helps prevent some of the problems that can come with trying to multitask, and it improves focus.

4. Getting Things Done (GTD)

The GTD method, developed by David Allen, is a comprehensive approach to time management. It emphasizes capturing all tasks, ideas, and commitments in an external system (one of those tools you selected above), processing these items to determine next steps, organizing tasks by context and priority, and consistently reviewing and updating your lists.

GTD is designed to help individuals achieve a state of “mind like water,” where they can focus on the task at hand without mental clutter or distraction, ultimately improving organization, productivity, and peace of mind.

5. Eat That Frog!

This is a time-management and productivity method popularized by Brian Tracy in his book of the same name. The core concept of this method is to tackle your most challenging or important task, often symbolized as the “frog,” first thing in the morning. By completing your most daunting task early in the day, you gain a sense of accomplishment and motivation, which can set a positive tone for the rest of your day.

The idea is to prioritize your tasks based on importance rather than ease, allowing you to focus on the tasks that have the most significant impact on your goals and productivity. This method helps you overcome procrastination and build a habit of taking action on the tasks that matter most, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and effectiveness in your work and personal life.

Remember that the effectiveness of these techniques may vary from person to person. Whether you are the “slow and steady” type like me or the “there’s no such thing as ‘too soon’” type, it’s important to experiment and find the methods that work best for your individual needs and preferences.

If you want more insight into your own behavioral preferences when it comes to pace and even problem solving, reach out to us today to try one of the Omnia Group’s Professional Development reports.

Picture of Jennifer Lucas

Jennifer Lucas

Jennifer originally joined The Omnia Group in 2005 as an analyst. After a brief stint away to work in project management and to start a family, her fascination with behavioral assessments pulled her back. She returned in 2011 as a member of the in-house analyst/project team. She writes and edits Custom Profiles, Targets, special projects, and articles. She enjoys being able to provide guidance to build effective, productive teams and help find strong matches for both clients and candidates.

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If your industry is not listed, don’t worry – we specialize in creating custom solutions for unique business needs. Our team will work closely with you to understand your talent requirements, company culture, and challenges. We’ll then develop tailored job profiles that reflect the skills, attributes, and competencies crucial for success in your industry.

Government & Public Services

Government & Public Services

In the government and public services sector, where serving the community and managing resources efficiently is paramount, finding candidates with a strong sense of public service and analytical skills is crucial. We help you identify individuals who can navigate complex regulations, implement policies effectively, and serve diverse constituencies.

Our behavioral and cognitive assessments and customized job profiles for various public sector roles enhance your ability to hire the right fit. These insights enable you to develop capable teams, improve service delivery, and maintain public trust in your organization’s mission.

Use Omnia benchmarking or explore custom profile creation for any of the following jobs and beyond to increase your hiring predictability.

  1. 911 Dispatcher
  2. Accountant
  3. Accounts Payable Clerk
  4. Administrative Specialist
  5. Chief Building Official
  6. City/Town Clerk
  7. City Manager
  8. City Mechanic
  9. Community Development Director
  10. Community Marketing Specialist
  11. Community Services Director
  12. County Appraiser
  13. Director of the Department of Public Works
  14. Finance Director
  15. Fire Chief
  16. Housing Project Manager
  17. HR Manager
  18. Maintenance Technician
  19. Police Chief
  20. Police Commander
  21. Police Officer
  22. Police Sergeant
  23. Safety Specialist

If a job you need filled is not listed, don’t worry – this is just a sample of custom positions we can create for your unique hiring needs.



In the education sector, where shaping young minds and adapting to new learning paradigms is crucial, identifying candidates with both subject expertise and effective teaching skills is vital. We assist you in identifying educators who can inspire students, embrace innovative teaching methods, and contribute to a positive learning environment.

Our behavioral and cognitive assessments and customized job profiles for various educational roles significantly increase your chances of hiring the right fit the first time. These insights not only help you support professional development and improve student outcomes but also create an engaging educational experience for all.

Use Omnia benchmarking or explore custom profile creation for any of the following jobs and beyond to increase your hiring predictability.

  1. Academic Advisor
  2. Academic Coordinator
  3. Administrative Assistant
  4. Admissions Representative
  5. Coach
  6. Corporate Trainer
  7. Curriculum Designer
  8. Dean
  9. Guidance Counselor
  10. Librarian
  11. Nutritional Service Worker
  12. Paraprofessional
  13. Principal
  14. Receptionist
  15. Registrar
  16. Student Affairs Representative
  17. Superintendent
  18. Teacher
  19. Teaching Assistant
  20. Vice Principal

If a job you need filled is not listed, don’t worry – we specialize in creating custom solutions for unique business needs.



In the hospitality industry, customer experience makes or breaks the business. Hiring candidates with an exceptional service orientation, operations efficiency, and adaptability is key to success for any travel and tourism business. We help you identify individuals who can create memorable guest experiences while efficiently managing operations behind the scenes.

Our assessments and customized job profiles for various sectors—from hotels to cruise lines and other travel sectors—enhance your ability to hire the right fit for every role. These insights enable you to foster a culture of service excellence and develop teams that can thrive in this dynamic, guest-focused industry.

Use Omnia benchmarking or explore custom profile creation for any of the following jobs and beyond to increase your hiring predictability.

  1. Concierge
  2. Front Desk Manager
  3. Guest Services Manager
  4. Guest Services Representative
  5. Hotel Director
  6. Housekeeper
  7. Housekeeping Manager
  8. Loyalty and Sales Associate
  9. Loyalty and Sales Manager
  10. Marketing Manager
  11. Operations Manager
  12. General Manager
  13. Receptionist
  14. Restaurant Manager
  15. Room Attendant
  16. Spa Manager

If a job you need filled is not listed, don’t worry – we specialize in creating custom solutions for unique business needs.

Real Estate & Construction

Real Estate & Construction

In the real estate and construction sectors, where project management and client satisfaction are critical, finding candidates with a mix of technical knowledge and people skills is crucial. We assist you in identifying professionals who can manage properties, adhere to regulations, and deliver quality results.

Our assessments and customized job profiles for roles across these industries increase your chances of hiring the right fit the first time. These insights help you develop well-rounded teams, improve project outcomes, and maintain a competitive edge.

Use Omnia benchmarking or explore custom profile creation for the following jobs and beyond to increase your hiring predictability.

  1. Accounts Payable and Receivable Associate
  2. Assistant Property Manager
  3. CAD Drafter
  4. Community Affairs Personnel
  5. Construction Coordinator
  6. Construction Project Manager
  7. Contracts Coordinator
  8. Customer Care Associate
  9. Design Personnel
  10. Director of Construction
  11. Director of Design and Product Development
  12. Director of Purchasing
  13. Estimator
  14. Engineer
  15. HOA Manager
  16. Land Acquisition Specialist
  17. Land Development Manager
  18. Leasing Consultant
  19. Maintenance Technician
  20. Marketing Coordinator
  21. New Home Sales Associate
  22. Online Sales Counselor
  23. Payroll / Benefits Administrator
  24. Permitting Coordinator
  25. Pool Construction Manager
  26. Pool Designer/Sales
  27. Property Manager
  28. Public & Political Relations
  29. Purchasing Agent/Analyst
  30. Purchasing Coordinator
  31. Purchasing Estimator
  32. Purchasing Manager
  33. VP of Construction
  34. VP of Land Acquisition
  35. VP of Land Development
  36. VP of Operations
  37. VP of Purchasing
  38. VP of Sales
  39. Warranty Personnel
  40. Waterscapes Coordinator

If a job you need filled is not listed, don’t worry – we specialize in creating custom solutions for unique business needs.



In the fast-paced media industry, where creativity meets deadlines and audience engagement is critical, securing candidates with innovative thinking and practical skills is essential. We help you select individuals who can create compelling content, adapt to new platforms, and understand audience dynamics.

Our cognitive, behavioral, and grammar assessments and customized job profiles for various media roles—from content creators and producers to sales and marketing specialists—enhance your ability to hire the right fit for each role. These insights enable you to nurture creativity, improve team collaboration, and stay relevant in an ever-changing media landscape.

Use Omnia benchmarking for the following jobs to increase your hiring predictability.

  1. Assignment Editor
  2. Broadcast Producer (TV)
  3. Digital Producer
  4. Director of Sales
  5. IT/Systems Engineer
  6. Master Control Operator (TV)
  7. Media Sales – Media / Radio Sales
  8. On-air Personality – Radio
  9. On-air Personality – Television
  10. Photojournalist
  11. Sales Manager – Media / Radio Sales
  12. Social Media Specialist
  13. Traffic Director  

If a job you need filled is not listed, don’t worry – we specialize in creating custom solutions for unique business needs.



In healthcare, where patient care and technological advancements intersect, securing candidates who are committed to helping others and eager to learn is essential. We assist you in identifying professionals who can deliver high-quality care while adapting to the latest medical technologies and practices.

Our behavioral and cognitive assessments and customized job profiles for various roles—at dental and healthcare practices, rehabilitation and research centers, and veterinary clinics—enhance your ability to hire the right fit for every role. These insights enable you to foster a patient-centric culture and support the professional growth of your team in your specialized healthcare sector.

Use Omnia benchmarking for the following jobs to increase your hiring predictability.


  1. Associate Dentist
  2. Dental Assistant
  3. Dental Front Office
  4. Dental Hygienist
  5. Dental Office Manager   

Healthcare General     

  1. Activities Aide
  2. CNA
  3. Case Manager
  4. Clerical
  5. Clinic Front Office
  6. Clinic Office Manager
  7. Customer/Patient Service Clerical
  8. Environmental/Food Service
  9. Janitorial – Medical or Laboratory
  10. Lab Technician
  11. Management
  12. Medical Assistant
  13. Medical Billing
  14. Medical Device Sales
  15. Occupational Therapist
  16. Physical Therapist
  17. Physician (Clinic)
  18. RN
  19. Scheduler
  20. Speech Therapist


  1. Clinic Front Office
  2. Clinic Office Manager
  3. Occupational Therapist
  4. Physical Therapist
  5. Speech Therapist       


  1. Clinical Research Coordinator
  2. Research Assistant                


  1. Veterinary Assistant
  2. Veterinary Office Manager
  3. Veterinary Practice Manager
  4. Veterinary Receptionist (front desk)
  5. Veterinary Technician
  6. Veterinarian  

If a job you need filled is not listed, don’t worry – we specialize in creating custom solutions for unique business needs.

Staffing & Recruiting

Staffing & Recruiting

In the staffing and recruiting industry, where understanding people and markets is essential, finding candidates with strong interpersonal skills and business acumen is crucial. We assist you in identifying professionals who can effectively match talent with opportunities and build lasting relationships with clients and candidates alike.

Our behavioral and cognitive assessments and customized job profiles for roles across the staffing spectrum increase your chances of hiring the right fit the first time. These insights help you develop your team’s capabilities, improve placement success rates, and stay ahead in this dynamic industry.

 Use Omnia benchmarking for the following jobs to increase your hiring predictability.

  1. HR Director
  2. HR Generalist
  3. HR Manager
  4. Payroll/Benefits Administrator
  5. Recruiter
  6. Relationship Manager
  7. Talent Acquisition Specialist       

If a job you need filled is not listed, don’t worry – we specialize in creating custom solutions for unique business needs.


Professional Services

In the professional services sector, where client relationships and job-related expertise are key differentiators, finding candidates with a balance of technical knowledge and soft skills is crucial. We help you identify individuals who can deliver high-quality services while building and maintaining strong client relationships.

Our behavioral, cognitive, and grammar assessments and customized job profiles for various roles—from desk jobs to field jobs—enhance your ability to hire the right fit the first time. The insights from our profiles enable you to nurture talent, improve client satisfaction, and maintain a competitive edge in your specific service area.

Use Omnia benchmarking for the following job profiles to increase your hiring predictability.

  1. Account Manager
  2. Accountant
  3. Accounting Manager
  4. Administrative Assistant
  5. Attorney
  6. Bookkeeper
  7. Business Analyst
  8. Buyer/Purchasing/Procurement
  9. Call Center Manager
  10. Call Center Representative
  11. CEO
  12. CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
  13. CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
  14. Chief Sales and Marketing Officer
  15. CIO (Chief Information Officer)
  16. Clerical Supervisor
  17. Collections
  18. Communications Coordinator
  19. Compliance Auditor
  20. Controller
  21. COO (Chief Operating Officer)
  22. Corporate Trainer
  23. Customer Service
  24. Customer Service Manager
  25. Digital Content Creator
  26. Digital Marketing Manager
  27. Estimator
  28. Event Coordinator
  29. Executive Assistant
  30. Grant Writer
  31. Graphic Designer
  32. HR Director/Manager
  33. HR Generalist
  34. Manager
  35. Marketing Assistant
  36. Marketing Manager
  37. Office Manager
  38. Operations Manager
  39. Operations Support
  40. Paralegal/Legal Assistant
  41. Payroll/Benefits Administrator
  42. PR Manager / Public Information Officer
  43. Process Improvement Manager
  44. Production Expediter
  45. Production Planner/Scheduler
  46. Project Manager
  47. Quality Assurance Specialist
  48. Receptionist
  49. Recruiter
  50. Relationship Manager
  51. Social Media Specialist
  52. Talent Acquisition Specialist

If a job you need filled is not listed, don’t worry – we specialize in creating custom solutions for unique business needs.

Information Technology

Information Technology

In the rapidly evolving IT industry, where innovation is constant and technical skills quickly become obsolete, identifying candidates with a combination of expertise for the current needs and the ability to learn and adapt to new technologies is vital. We empower you to select tech professionals who can drive your digital initiatives forward while adapting to emerging technologies.

Our behavioral and cognitive assessments and customized job profiles for each role—from CIOs to database administrators, software developers, and IT managers—increase your chances of hiring the right fit the first time. The insights from our job profiles help you create targeted development plans, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation in your IT team.

Use Omnia benchmarking for the following jobs to increase your hiring predictability.

  1. CIO (Chief Information Officer)
  2. Cyber Security Specialist
  3. Database Administrator
  4. Graphic Designer
  5. Inside Sales – SaaS (appointment setting)
  6. IT Director
  7. IT/Systems
  8. Practice Leader – Cloud
  9. Quality Assurance Tester
  10. Software Developer
  11. Software Support Trainer
  12. Tech Leader – Delivery Practice
  13. Technical Account Manager (Sales)
  14. Web Designer
  15. Web Developer

If a job you need filled is not listed, don’t worry – we specialize in creating custom solutions for unique business needs.



In the manufacturing sector, where efficiency and precision are necessary, you need candidates with a blend of technical expertise, high adaptability, and resilience. We help you identify individuals who can thrive in a production environment, embrace lean practices, and drive continuous improvement.

Our behavioral assessments and customized job profiles for each role—from production line workers to process engineers—increase your chances of hiring the right fit the first time. These insights help you develop talent, improve retention, and maintain a skilled workforce ready to meet the evolving demands of modern manufacturing.

Use Omnia benchmarking for the following jobs to increase your hiring predictability.

  1. Buyer/Purchasing/Procurement
  2. Customer Experience Coordinator
  3. Estimator
  4. Fleet & Equipment Manager
  5. General Manager
  6. Heavy Equipment Operator
  7. Laborer
  8. Machine Operator
  9. Manufacturing Assembler
  10. Process Improvement Manager
  11. Production Expediter – Shipping/Receiving Material Handler
  12. Production Planner/Scheduler
  13. Production Supervisor
  14. QC Technician
  15. Safety Coordinator/Manager
  16. Sourcing Manager
  17. Technician (Installation and Repair)
  18. Warehouse Associate
  19. Warehouse Manager     

If a job you need filled is not listed, don’t worry – we specialize in creating custom solutions for unique business needs.



In the automotive industry, where innovation drives success and customer satisfaction is the highest priority, finding candidates with the right mix of technical mindset and interpersonal skills is crucial. We help you identify individuals who can thrive in this fast-paced environment, adapt to technological advancements, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Our behavioral assessments and customized job profiles for each role—from car dealerships to boat and RV dealers—increase your chances of hiring the right fit the first time. The insights from these profiles help you nurture talent, guide career progression, and keep your workforce engaged and productive in a constantly evolving industry.

Use Omnia benchmarking for the following jobs to increase your hiring predictability.

  1. Bookkeeper/Accountant
  2. Body Shop Estimator
  3. Body Shop Manager
  4. Body Shop Technician
  5. Controller
  6. Customer Relations Representative
  7. Customer Relationship Specialist
  8. Detailer
  9. F&I Manager
  10. Fixed Operations Director
  11. General Manager
  12. Lot Attendant/Porter
  13. Office
  14. Parts Counter / Parts Associate
  15. Parts Manager
  16. Powersports Sales
  17. Receptionist
  18. Reconditioning Foreman
  19. Sales
  20. Sales Manager
  21. Service Advisor
  22. Service Manager
  23. Service Technician Team Lead
  24. Service Technician
  25. Title Clerk
  26. Used Car Sales
  27. Valet
  28. Warranty Administrator
  29. Warranty Clerk   

Business Development Center          

  1. Call Center Manager
  2. BDC Director
  3. BDC Representative
  4. Inside Sales
  5. Internet Sales
  6. Inside Sales Manager
  7. Service Coordinator

Boat and RV    

  1. Boat Sales
  2. Customer Relations Representative
  3. Powersports Sales
  4. RV Orientation/Delivery
  5. RV Sales
  6. RV Service Advisor

If a job you need filled is not listed, don’t worry – we specialize in creating custom solutions for unique business needs.

Financial Services

Financial Services

In the financial services sector, where trust is currency and regulatory compliance is non-negotiable, securing candidates with analytical prowess, a commitment to quality, and client-centric attitudes is essential. We empower you to identify individuals who can navigate complex financial landscapes while maintaining the highest standards.

Our behavioral and cognitive assessments and customized job profiles for each role—for credit unions, banks, and other financial institutions—empower you to make informed hiring decisions. The insights from these profiles enable you to provide targeted professional development, ensuring your team remains competent, compliant, and committed in an industry where precision and reliability are essential.

Use Omnia benchmarking for the following jobs to increase your hiring predictability.

Credit Unions

  1. Accountant 
  2. Back Office
  3. Branch Manager 
  4. Call Center Rep 
  5. Collector
  6. Compliance Assistant
  7. Compliance Officer
  8. Credit Assistant
  9. Financial Service Rep
  10. Fraud Specialist
  11. Front Office
  12. Head Teller
  13. IT Professional
  14. ITM (Video) Teller
  15. Loan Officer
  16. Loan Processor
  17. Manager/Supervisor
  18. Member Service Rep
  19. Mortgage Originator
  20. Regional Manager
  21. Teller
  22. Teller – Sales/MSR


  1. Accountant
  2. Back Office
  3. Branch Manager
  4. Call Center Rep
  5. Collector
  6. Compliance Assistant
  7. Compliance Officer
  8. Credit Assistant
  9. Financial Service Rep
  10. Fraud Specialist
  11. Front Office
  12. Head Teller
  13. IT Professional
  14. ITM (Video) Teller
  15. Loan Officer
  16. Loan Processor
  17. Manager/Supervisor
  18. Mortgage Originator
  19. Regional Manager
  20. Service Rep
  21. Teller
  22. Teller – Sales/Selling CSR
  23. Financial Relationship Manager
  24. Wealth Management Relationship Manager

If a job you need filled is not listed, don’t worry – we specialize in creating custom solutions for unique business needs.



In the insurance industry, where competition is fierce and turnover is high, the key to success lies in identifying candidates with the perfect blend of soft skills and analytical skills. We empower you to find these individuals who not only excel in their roles but also stay with your organization for the long haul.

Our behavioral and cognitive assessments and customized job profiles for each role increase the chances of hiring the right fit the first time. The insight from the profiles helps you provide the growth path your employees desire and keep them happy and engaged.

Use Omnia benchmarking for the following jobs to increase your hiring predictability.

  1. Agency Owner
  2. Claims Representative
  3. Field Claims Adjuster
  4. Inside Claims Adjuster
  5. Loss Control Consultant
  6. Marketing Representative
  7. Policy Services
  8. Underwriter
  9. Account Manager
  10. Customer Service Manager
  11. Processing CSR
  12. Producer
  13. Risk Manager
  14. Sales Manager
  15. Selling CSR
  16. Service CSR

If a job you need filled is not listed, don’t worry – we specialize in creating custom solutions for unique business needs.