Spotlight on Allison Grealis and the Women in Manufacturing® Association (WiM)

Women and manufacturing have come a long way. Do you recognize the name Mary Bittorf? She was one of the first women in the workplace, and it was in a factory, making manufacturing one of the first industries to hire women in the United States in 1905. And that brings us to Allison Grealis. Allison […]
The Omnia Group Celebrates its 38th Year by Partnering with Habitat for Humanity

March 2023 marks The Omnia Group’s 38th anniversary and our 38th year calling Tampa Bay our home. Those who live here know what a special, vibrant community the Tampa Bay area is. We always welcome opportunities to thank our neighbors for making this area so special by giving back in some way. During the pandemic, […]
5 Ways to Manage Codependent Employees

You may cringe when you hear the term “codependent relationship” because the phrase has negative connotations. But, while codependency may cause poor team dynamics and productivity disruptions, it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, codependent employees can be incredible assets to your company with a bit of attention and guidance from you. Let’s […]
What’s New in Leadership and Management in 2023? Here are 5 Things You Need to Know

For many of us, the last few years have felt like a few decades. The world changed by the minute, and we did our best to keep up. But, while the coming year may be less volatile, we can still expect significant shifts in the business landscape. That means, as leaders, we need to be […]
Want to be a Better Coach and Mentor? Here are 5 Tips You Need to Know

Did you know it’s National Mentoring Month? Me either. I didn’t even know it was a thing. But it got me thinking about the new year and the dreaded “R” word… resolutions. A worthwhile goal for all leaders is to be better at coaching and mentoring. Why? Because one of the most complicated assets of […]
A Leader’s Guide to Motivating – 5 Things to Consider for Motivating Individuals to Succeed

Motivation is defined as the general desire or willingness of someone to do something. That begs the question then, can you really motivate someone else to do something? When it comes right down to it, motivation is a driving factor in personal achievement. Motivation is what gets you out of bed to go to the […]
The Only Way to Go is Up? Not necessarily! Redefining Advancement for Your Employees

Many businesses operate under the assumption that the only way for an employee to advance is through a promotion to a management position. After all, the top tiers of most org charts show leadership roles. It is a laudable goal to move toward management if the employee has a genuine interest in, and the natural […]
Is a Difficult Employee Haunting Your Team? These 7 Management Tips Can Help!

Let’s set the scene: It’s a dark and stormy Tuesday. You walk into the office and look out over the workspaces of your staff. They are engaging in their typical banter as they start their day. Everything seems fine, until another member of the department comes through the door. Then the collective demeanor of your […]
The Cost of Nightmare Leadership

Jason, Freddy, Chucky… from horror movies to ghost stories around a campfire, some people like the thrill of a good fright. A few of us have paid real money to watch a psychopathic, knife-wielding doll terrorize full-sized adult people. I’m not saying who, cough cough, but some of us have. Still, we aren’t so thrilled […]
Is Your Management Style Driving People Away?

It’s tough out there. People are reprioritizing what they want at work and leaving jobs that aren’t meeting those needs. We’ve talked a lot about ways to increase engagement and improve retention, but none of that matters if you aren’t taking a close look at your own leadership strengths and weaknesses. We hear, more often […]