The Omnia Insights #18
Say Goodbye to Scary Hiring and Sales Phonies
Hiring isn’t easy. A good hire takes your team to the next level, while a bad hire costs way more than you bargained for. The U.S. Department of Labor reports the average cost of a bad hire is at least 30 percent of the employee’s first-year earnings.
But money isn’t the only cost. Think about lower team morale, lower productivity, damaged client relationships, even diminished reputation to your brand!
Spooky is in the air, but hiring doesn’t have to be scary – not if you do your homework!
This month we show you how to avoid a bad hire and an infiltration of sales phonies. We also talk about how to use behavioral interviewing tactics throughout the selection process to increase your odds of a great hire. In our on-demand webinar, Wendy Sheaffer further builds upon hiring tips with insightful strategies.
October is also manufacturing month. As manufacturers seek to fill 4.6 million high-skill, high-tech, and high-paying jobs over the next decade, we demonstrate how our assessments support their hiring decisions and retention strategies.
Don’t let the hordes of bad zombie hires scare you. Have a plan, and don’t hire in a rush. Here’s witch-ing you a spook-tacular Halloween! See you next month.
Insights From Our Team

Are you infiltrated by sales phonies – salespeople who interview so well but don’t deliver on the job? Learn what you can do to avoid it.
How to Get Past the Interview Costume to the Real Person
When interviewing, you never know if it’s a trick or a treat. These behavioral interviewing tactics can increase the reliability of a great hire.
Hiring Doesn’t Have to be Scary
Most of us don’t realize we have a bad employee until we’ve lost money and team morale. Keather Snyder shares 6 steps to avoid a bad hire.
What Does the Future for American Manufacturing Look Like?
Manufacturing is the backbone of everything we do. We’re supporting and celebrating Manufacturing Day all month long with the intention of educating and increasing the positive perception of working in manufacturing.
On-demand October Webinar
In case you missed it, our October webinar was a hit. Watch on-demand now.
TakeAway Tuesday – Hiring Doesn’t Have to be Scary
Our experts talked tips and strategies to avoid a bad hire, spot red flag candidates, and how you can use Omnia’s assessments to hire better.
Bringing People Together in a Remote World
Tuesday, November 16th 2021 – 12:30 PM (ET)
Ask the Experts: Gift Exchange Edition
Tuesday, December 14th 2021 – 12:30 PM (ET)
Where is Omnia?
Tradeshows & Events
11/04: Independent Agency Owners Alliance Conference
11/17: League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates Conference
12/02 -12/03: Florida Bankers Association Women’s Leadership Conference
12/05 – 12/08: Credit Union Executive Society Directors Conference
Thanks for reading this far. Please stay connected with us on social media and at the events. See you next month!
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